Impact Report

Providing services that promote the growth, independence and self-worth of over 800 children and adults with disabilities in Macon County

Why We Help

16% of people in Macon County have a developmental disability.

90% of people with developmental disabilities graduate from high school with no job prospects or day training activities.

Community Employment

21 new hires

14 placement locations

60 total in the community earning a paycheck

Group Homes

9 group homes= 50 persons served living a more independent life

Community Day Services

175 served in CDS who received music and art therapy, health, and wellness supports, and sensory development

Many volunteering in the community through Meals on Wheels, Salvation Army, Northeast Community Fund, and other

20 advocating for the rights of others with developmental disabilities through the Alliance Club

30 served in VISIONS mental health program

Children’s Services

26 children served through ABA & Social Skills

16 Families served through Parents Night Out

52 Children served though Speech & Language Therapy

42 Families Served through Bright Start Home Visiting

20 kids and teens participated in Camp Earth


want to learn more?

2121 Hubbard Ave.
Decatur, IL 62526

(217) 875-1910

contact us

news and events

MRI Kids Opens Registration for Summer Programs at New Location

Register your child for summer programs today!

Night to Shine Was an Evening to Remember!

See the magic of Night to Shine!

MRI is Hiring - Join our Team

Are you looking for a chance to make a difference? Apply to join our team!

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did you know?

MRI’s Janitorial Department manages the grounds at the Farm Progress Show every other year. Almost 100,000 people attend this event in Decatur every two years!