Meet Facelli & Jason
Facelli and her son, Jason, participate in MRI Bright Start Home Visiting. At 2.5 years old, Jason’s mom, Facelli, noticed that her son was not able to do what other children his age could do. Jason was non-verbal and needed to learn to communicate. He was not reaching developmental milestones. Facelli began searching for resources to help her son. She gave Bright Start Birth to Five Home Visiting a call.
Bright Start Parent Educator Lazetta started Home Visiting Facelli and Jason three times a month. Bright Start provided him with a variety of developmentally appropriate activities that encourage language skills in addition to his mother reading him books.
Jason’s mom Facelli stated, “Not only was the program [Bright Start} for Jason, but it taught me parenting skills, how to connect and communicate with my little boy. Although I have a busy schedule as I attend school and work part-time, Miss Lazetta came when it was convenient for both of us. I cannot say enough about this program and now that Jason is graduating from the program we are very grateful to MRI for this program. Now Jason is talking like a little bird.”
Jason now knows all his colors, recognizes letters and numbers, and enjoys putting puzzles together. He speaks in complete sentences and expresses himself verbally instead of gesturing.
Learn more about Bright Start Home Visiting here.