Residential Services

providing opportunities for adults with intellectual disabilities to build skills and gain independence

Full-time Community Living Services

MRI owns and operates nine group homes in the Decatur area; four to eight people live in each home with full-time daily support staff. These homes are called Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CILA).

People with intellectual disabilities build independent living skills like room care, personal care, social skills, and community integration with the help of our CILA staff.  Each person’s unique needs are met through family-style dining, personalized rooms and individualized services. By living in an MRI CILA home, individuals not only gain skills, but staff ensure that residents know how to use medical support.

Intermittent Community Living Services

MRI offers Intermittent Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) Services to assist people who live independently in the community, whether it be with family or in their own homes or apartments.  MRI intermittent CILA meets the needs of clients by helping in areas such as medical appointments, money management, grocery shopping, laundry and housekeeping training, personal shopping, and accessing community services.

Benefits of MRI Residential Services

MRI Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CILA) and intermittent CILA support people with intellectual disabilities in their own homes or apartments. We support people in achieving the highest level of independence through person centered planning. MRI Residential Services provides adults with intellectual disabilities an environment that respects individual choice with the safety to fail and learn. Individual’s needs in the areas of self care, nutrition, activities, economic self-sufficiency, self direction, learning, mobility and social skills are addressed through person centered planning with a community-based array of supports.

With CILA supports, clients get assistance with the following:

Our Community Support Services program’s monthly activity calendar gives individuals something to do on nights and weekends. Exciting activities like cooking night, game night, museum trips, a day at the Peoria Riverboat, theater productions, music events, weekend shopping trips, community dances, and much more.

What do I need to do to be able to receive CILA Services?

Contact Prairieland Service Coordination (PSC) in order to have a Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS) completed. Requests should be made by you, your guardian, or primary caregiver 1 to 5 years prior to graduation. If you have already graduated, requests can be made at any time. PSC can be reached at 1-800-866-8779. See the PUNS information sheet included in this folder for additional information.

What information do I need to qualify for funding?

Macon Resources, Inc. focuses on providing opportunities for adults with intellectual disabilities to build skills and gain independence.


want to learn more?

2121 Hubbard Ave.
Decatur, IL 62526

(217) 875-1910

contact us

news and events

Advocates Unite! at Speak Up Speak Out 2024

The long-awaited Speak Up Speak Out Summit has come and gone.

The Brave Hearts Against Bullying.

Our Brave hearts were featured in a newsletter by the Illinois Self Advocacy Alliance for their Anti-Bullying efforts!

MRI is Hiring - Join our Team

Are you looking for a chance to make a difference? Apply to join our team!

see more

did you know?

In 2013 Macon Resources was awarded 1st place in the Medium Business Category for the Let’s Keep Decatur Beautiful contest for the wonderful work they did in landscaping Independence Pointe.