Homeward Bound Pet Shelter Closed

Decatur, IL- In 2005 Macon Resources, Inc. (MRI) took over operations of Homeward Bound Pet Shelter to meet both a community need to shelter unwanted pets and provide work opportunities for adults with disabilities. At the time, Homeward Bound Pet Shelter was the largest no-kill shelter in the area, operating entirely on donations and adoption fees.
In the last ten years, animal welfare resources have increased in Macon County with the new Macon County Animal Control and Care Center and Humane Society of Macon County’s new facility on Woodford Street.
MRI’s primary mission is to provide services to promote the growth, independence and self-worth of children and adults with disabilities. With no cost of living adjustments for human services in ten years and the continued uncertainty of funding in the state of Illinois, the MRI Board of Directors has made the decision to close Homeward Bound Pet Shelter, effective August 31, 2016.
The MRI Board of Directors and staff thank all the donors, volunteers, employees and sponsors whose continued support made Homeward Bound Pet Shelter a valued resource in our community.
July 2, 2016